
Kyle believes that Lakewood is already an incredible place to live and work. He embodies the same deep-rooted pride and love for Lakewood that is found in residents across the city, whether they have been here for 30 years or just three months.

At the same time, he knows there are opportunities to make Lakewood even better - by building new business and revenue opportunities, enhancing Lakewood’s assets and collaborating with the community and outside stakeholders to sustain the city long into the future.


Building new business and revenue opportunities.

Kyle believes in leveraging Lakewood’s long history as a family-friendly community while also promoting smart, sustainable, and multi-modal development that advances the Community Vision – the city’s master plan for the future. 

His unique blend of legal, real estate, development, local government, non-profit, and Planning Commission experience positions him as a leader in the effort for responsible and inclusive development in Lakewood. 

Kyle will also work to improve Lakewood’s already sound financial position ‌and‌ ‌budgets using his experience with local government funding.  Kyle’s experience at Cleveland Metroparks shows that he knows how to leverage funds to obtain outside funding and create better outcomes for the city.


Enhancing and Protecting Lakewood’s assets.

Kyle believes that the existing ‌social‌ ‌infrastructure‌ ‌of‌ ‌Lakewood‌ ‌(front‌ ‌porches,‌ ‌library‌ ‌system,‌ ‌school system, parks and natural resources,‌ ‌arts‌ ‌community,‌ ‌walkable‌ ‌neighborhoods,‌ ‌bicycle‌ ‌lanes,‌ ‌and‌ ‌vibrant‌ ‌business‌ ‌corridors) is one of the city’s greatest assets. He will work to enhance these existing assets by utilizing his ‌unique‌ ‌public‌ ‌and‌ ‌private‌ ‌professional‌ ‌experience‌ ‌to‌ ‌benefit‌ ‌Lakewood‌ ‌and‌ ‌its residents and businesses.

Public safety will always be a top priority, and Kyle will leverage his background working with law enforcement on policy review and procedures, so that Lakewood can continue to be a safe and welcoming place for all people.

Kyle also understands that to be a future-focused city, we need to reinforce our commitment to sustainability, through creating policies that preserve energy and help the city run more efficiently and protecting the tree canopy on both public and private properties.

And understanding the unique opportunities and challenges for people living and working in an older built-out suburb, Kyle is committed to working with homeowners, renters, institutions, and business owners regarding serious‌ ‌investments and necessary ‌conversations‌ ‌about‌ ‌upgrading‌ ‌aging‌ ‌infrastructure, and ensuring that updates are done well, equitably, and fairly.


Collaborating with the Community and Outside Stakeholders.

Kyle is a natural collaborator; his current role at the Cleveland Metroparks has provided deep experience working with municipalities across Northeast Ohio on key infrastructure, development, and public works projects.  He knows how to leverage funds to obtain outside funding and create better outcomes for the city.  

On Council, Kyle will partner closely with the County, State, and other public and private entities to improve Lakewood’s waterfront access, recreational park amenities, and pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure.

Using his experience as both a Lakewood City Schools student and past president of the Lakewood Rangers Education Foundation, Kyle will work to further strengthen the city’s important relationship with the‌ ‌Lakewood‌ ‌City‌ ‌Schools‌. 

Kyle will also work to further energize the City’s relationship with its greatest asset – its people. He believes in the power of the diverse perspectives representing the exciting mix of long-time residents and newcomers, young families and empty nesters, and people of all backgrounds in Lakewood.